Category: Software

Everything you need to know to run Quantum Espresso on Grex.

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Everything you need to know to run Gaussian on Grex.

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Everything you need to know to run GROMACS on Grex.

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Everything you need to know about running Julia on Grex.

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Everything you need to know about running LAMMPS on Grex.

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Linux tools

Everything you need to know about Linux tools.

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Everything you need to know to run MATLAB on Grex.

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Everything you need to know to run NWChem on Grex.

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Everything you need to know about running ORCA on Grex.

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Everything you need to know about running VASP on Grex.

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Using modules

Everything you need to know about using modules on Grex.

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Python for ML

Tips on using Python on Grex for ML and other computations.

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Code development

Everything you need to know about development tools.

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Everything you need to know before to use Singularity containers

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Everything you need to know before using the theme.

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Jupyter notebooks

Everything you need to know for using Jupyter notebooks.

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Running jobs

Everything you need to know about running jobs on Grex.

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Software / Applications

All you need to know about software on Grex.

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Software Specific Notes

Documntation on how to run specific packages like VASP, ORCA, ... etc.

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All you need to know to start using OpenOnDemand Portal on Grex.

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